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Do You Need A Revision Total Knee Replacement?

Apr. 28, 2023

Total knee replacement surgery is a very popular and successful procedure. In most cases, people who undergo total knee replacement live a more pain-free life after the surgery. Obviously, this makes sense, as total knee replacement surgery is supposed to reduce the patient's pain. However, the surgery may not be a complete and permanent repair.


Overtime, the knee replacement may fail. When this happens, the knee can become painful. It swells and becomes stiff. In this article, you will learn all about revision total knee replacements, such as why people need them, how to prepare for the surgery, what the surgery is like, possible complications and risks, and what the recovery process is like.


Four Bar Pneumatic Knee Joint

Four Bar Pneumatic Knee Joint


Why do people need revision total knee replacements?


As mentioned earlier, total knee replacements can fail over time. If this is the case, your doctor may recommend that you have a second knee surgery, which is called a revision total knee replacement. During this second knee replacement surgery, the surgeon will remove some or all of the original knee prosthesis and replace it with a new one.


In order for a total knee replacement to be successful, the implant needs to remain firmly attached to the bone. During the first total knee replacement surgery, the implant is held firmly in place. However, over time, the implant may loosen, causing pain and discomfort.


The exact cause of loosening of the knee implant over time is unknown. Some possible reasons for implant failure over time may be due to high impact activity, excess weight, and wear of the plastic between the metal parts of the implant. In addition, young patients undergoing knee arthroplasty may "outlive" the expected life of the implant. As a result, these younger patients are at a higher risk of needing total knee revision surgery due to wear and tear.

Single Axis Prosthetic Knee Joint

Single Axis Prosthetic Knee Joint

How to Prepare for Revision Knee Arthroplasty?


As with any major surgery, it is important that you are well prepared before you undergo the procedure. On the bright side, because you've had a total knee replacement before, you already have a good idea of what to expect. However, even if this is not your first knee surgery, you may still have questions about the procedure.


Here are some general questions to ask your surgeon before having the surgery.


Why do I need revision surgery?

Will it help my condition if I lose weight?

Will I need another revision surgery after this one?

What is the recovery process like?

When can I start doing my normal daily activities?


What is the recovery from revision total knee arthroplasty?


Recovery from revision total knee arthroplasty is essentially the same as from the initial total knee arthroplasty. The similarities in recovery include the type of medications and participation in physical therapy. When you first wake up from surgery, you will definitely need assistance in walking.


Assistance is someone who helps you get around or uses a cane, crutches or walker to help with walking. This makes sense, of course, because you don't want to put too much pressure on your knee until it's ready to do so. However, you also don't want to delay walking, as this is a critical step in the rehabilitation process.


Of course, everyone is different, so recovery times may vary for each situation. Some people take longer to recover, while others recover more easily than with an initial total knee replacement.

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